G O D – O F – E V E R Y – M O M E N T


Here’s another one of my former posts that I’m transferring onto In Pursuit… 🙂

Many times I’ve been told not to run on the tile floor after it had been moped. But this time I honestly  had no idea that the floor had just been moped. Dun dun duunnnn.

Afraid that my seldom-bought gluten free chicken nuggets would burn in the oven, I sprinted into the kitchen. Bad idea. As you can imagine, I slipped and fell, slamming my knee into the tile. Drips of blood followed, and (I won’t lie to ya’ll) drips fell from my eyes as well.

So now I sit at the kitchen table typing, a plate of chicken crumbs on a plate beside me, and my knee (still painted with a drop or two of fresh blood) tingling. My stomach is happy, my knee is not.

Is God a God of Suffering?

Hardly ever do we like to admit that God allows suffering. But when He does, how should we react?

I acknowledge God was standing right beside me when I slipped and fell. He could have easily stretched out a hand and caught me, or broke my fall. But He chose not to. Why?

This question is swirling around in my brain right now, so I’m about to let you glimpse into my thought processing…

Perhaps God did break my fall. Perhaps He made the consequences of running on slick tile less bloody than they might have been. Perhaps He purposely made the cut a Band-Aid fixable one instead of one that needed stitches. Perhaps God did intervene.

But God did allow me to fall. He allowed it for a reason. What’s the reason? What does He want me to learn from this ridiculous experience?

Maybe He wants someone else on the other side of this screen to be touched and taught and moved by this story. Maybe He wants me to learn that He is the God of every moment.

EVERY MOMENT. Bad, painful, sad, bloody, depressing, mournful or just plain hard. He is God over all of it.

Take comfort in knowing that God is God over every moment in your life. He is in control, so don’t fear.

Are you going through a hard time right now? Let the readers of this post and I know how we can pray for you. Comment below or visit the Prayer Page!

8 thoughts on “G O D – O F – E V E R Y – M O M E N T

  1. I totally agree that God is the God of every moment–what a lovely “reminder” post! And yes, He does allow suffering sometimes, but if we can just grab hold of Romans 8:28–all things work together for good–His Word can be a balm to ease the pain to some degree. And yes, it took me a LONG LONG LONG time to understand that 🙂 God bless you so abundantly–your recent prayers for me, Grace, have overflowed a bounty of wonders, so THANK YOU! ❤

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